Every UK casino operator is responsible for ensuring that details of all games and side bets made available in any of its casino premises (either permanently or on a trial basis) are notified and displayed on this web site.

To add new game details to the site, the template linked below must be completed in full and submitted by email to the National Casino Forum (contact details below). (Details of games already displayed on the site may be used as a guide to the type and level of detail required). Notification must be made before the game or side bet is introduced.

Completed games templates should be submitted to -

• NCF -[email protected]

• NCF website -

Click here to download the Games Template (MS Word Document)

• The Gambling Commission website –

On a regular basis, a committee made up from representatives of the UK casino industry and with representation from the Gambling Commission will meet to discuss issues relating to casino table games. Should an operator persistently fail to submit information to this site, this committee will ask the Gambling Commission to investigate non-compliance and apply sanctions where applicable.

At the same time, the Committee will review current games, with a view to moving any redundant details to the archive section of this site. Before moving a game, all operators will be canvassed to ensure that the games in question are not still being played.

It is the responsibility of each operator to ensure that appropriate internal dealing and security procedures are in place for all games and side bets to ensure that games are operated fairly and honestly. It is also a requirement of the Licence Conditions and Codes of Practice that suitable “how to play” and House Edge information are made available to customers for all games played in a casino premises, including details of the specific odds paid.