This site is provided by the UK Casino industry to explain the basic rules and odds of all table games played in licensed UK casino premises, for use by players, operators and regulators.

This website provides the basic rules as to how all casino table games are played in licensed UK casinos. These range from the well known, long established games that have been in place for many years (such as Roulette and Blackjack) to brand new games and side-bets that are currently operating on a trial basis.

Under the Gambling Act 2005, all UK casinos are licensed by the Gambling Commission and are expected to uphold the three objectives of the Act, being to:-

- Prevent gambling from being the source of crime or disorder;

- Ensure gambling is conducted in a fair and open way; and

- Protect children and other vulnerable persons from being harmed or exploited.

All licensed casino operators fully support these objectives and seek to provide table gaming in a fair and open way, so that the rules are clearly understood by customers and regulators. Casinos are also required by the Gambling Commission to have detailed internal dealing procedures in place to ensure that all games are operated fairly.

Rules of each game must then be made available in all casino premises, and this is normally achieved in the form of "How to Play" leaflets. In addition, "House Edge" information must similarly be made available for all games provided in a particular casino.

Whilst this website provides the basic rules of each game, together with the most commonly paid odds and house edge information, different casinos may offer slightly different rules or odds for the same game. However, any significant changes will always be provided in "How to Play" leaflets or displayed at the tables concerned.

It is recommended that players familiarise themselves with the rules of any particular game, and check the specific odds payable in the casino concerned, before they start to play.